A very short crash course in Modern Javascript. Learn about functions, objects, how to create objects from functions, clojures and modules.
var a; //defines a variable a that has the value of undefined //which is a reserved word/value in js var b = 1; var c , d = 2, e, f = null; //multiple variables on one line g = 10; //variables initialized without var will be global //variables even if they are defined inside functions or //code blocks {}. //variables defined with var will have function scope: they //will be available only in the function in which they are //defined. //Variables defined with var but outside of any function //will be global variables. //There is no block {} scope. All variables defined in a //function will act as if they were defined at the top of //the function. var h == 1; if (h == 1) { var i = 2; } else { var j = 3; // no block {} scope. j is initialized before any code is //executed. }; console.log(j); //prints 3. j exists and is initialized even if the //else branch is never executed.
Define an array
var fruits = []; //empty array var colors = ["blue", "red", "green"]; console.log(colors[1]); //prints red in console.
Define an object
var config = {}; //object without any properties. var module = {"name" : "init", //string property. "order": 1, //number property. "children" : [], //array property. activated : false, //you can skip "" from properties //names if the name is not a //reserved word. "onStart" : function(){console.log("init started.")} //function property a.k.a method. }; console.log(module.name); //prints init. console.log(module["name"]); //prints init. Objects can be accessed //as if they were associative arrays. var tmp = "name"; console.log(module[tmp]); //prints init.
Define a function
function run() { console.log("clasic function definition"); }; run(); var run2 = function(){ console.log("variable-like function definition"); }; run2(); //in js functions are values like any other value. Because //of this you can assign a function definition to a //variable. Then you can call that function by using the //variable's name. //Because function can be stored in variables you can pass //functions as arguments to another function or you can //store functions as an object property. var obj = {} //empty object obj.doRun = run2; //define a method doRun and assign the //function run2 to be used as the method. obj.doRun(); //call the method/function run2. Notice the ().
Functions are objects
//although functions and objects are defined in different ways, //internally js stores functions in objects. So when you do: var sum = function(a, b) {return a + b}; //what actually happens is: var sum = {prototype : -some object-, code : -code to be runned when sum() si called: function(a, b) {return a + b}-, ... }; //So you see that js is building a special object that can store a //function. Not sure about the actual name of the code property //but it's a hidden property anyway (you can't access it from code). //From the properties stored in this object, js knows if the object //holds a function or if it's a regular object. //Since functions are objects you can do with them everything that //you can do with an object: assign it to a variable or pass it as an //argument to another function.
-to be continued-