The recommended procedure starts with pushing simultaneously the Up and Down buttons. I recommend to start with a full reset procedure.
The problem I was having was that pushing at the same time the Up and Down buttons would jog the blind and then, after about 2 seconds it would jog again on it’s own. The blind was no longer in programming mode: f.e. pressing shortly the button Down would send the blind all the way down. Normally in programming mode, a short press would move the blind just a tiny distance, allowing for fine tuning the position.
A. Full reset procedure
- Turn on the power.
- Turn off the power for 2 seconds.
- Turn on the power for 8 seconds.
- Turn off the power for 2 seconds.
- Turn on the power and keep it on. The blind will move a bit and then stop.
- Press the Prog button and keep it pressed until the blind jogs 2 times (up and down + delay + up and down again). The Prog button is the little round button hidden on the back of the remote.
To see the procedure being applied, check this video:
Now the motor is reset and you can continue and program it.
B. Program the motor
The procedure starts with pressing and holding at the same time the Up and Down buttons until the blind jogs up and down.
Then you can set the right direction, the upper and lower limits.
After the upper and lower limits are saved, you can adjust these positions with a different, simpler procedure. The trick here is to remember to start the procedure from the upper or lower limit (by pressing Up f.e. and waiting for the blind to stop by itself in the already set upper position). If it doesn’t work it might be because those limits are not set yet, or they are set but they can not be reached because the blind was shortened for example. In this case you need to use the longer procedure.
All these are shown in the video bellow:
This is a different remote, Telis I velieve, but it works the same for „Situo 1”.